The Shul Justice Project of
The Shul of New York
A Special Community Program to Observe
Yom HaShoah / Holocaust Remembrance Day

The Stolpersteine Project: One Family’s Personal Journey
A Zoom talk by Susan and Daryl Freimark
Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 7PM
Scattered throughout 2000 cities in 21 countries are more than 70,000 stolpersteine or “stumbling stones” – brass plaques – each one commemorating a human life lost in the Holocaust.
Please join us to hear Susan Freimark and her son Daryl recount their extraordinary odyssey from New York to Sangerhausen, Germany to witness the installation of a family stolpersteine in front of the home where Susan’s father, and his sister, his niece and his parents lived before the Nazis took them away. The stolpersteine serves as a permanent, dedicated memorial to their lives, virtually the last Jewish family to live in this small central German village.
Hear about the Freimark’s informative, emotional, and sometimes shocking visit, and learn about the largest decentralized memorial in the world to those who perished in the Holocaust.
“A human being is only forgotten once his or her name is forgotten” - The Talmud
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