A Caring Compassionate Community:
Bikkur Cholim at The Shul of New York
Bikkur Cholim means “visiting the sick,” but in practice it is so much more.
The Shul of New York is more than a Shul, more than a community; we are a Family. The Shul's Bikkur Cholim initiative will provide support to individuals and their families in several ways.
Bikkur Cholim volunteers:
Visit patients in local hospitals and nursing facilities.
Visit people who are homebound.
Make ‘check-in’ phone calls to people.
Deliver home-cooked or ordered meals to homebound individuals.
Provide Shiva support .
Are you in need of Bikkur Cholim services for yourself or a family member?
To request Bikkur Cholim support services for yourself or your family, please click the button below.
We need you! Bikkur Cholim is a high mitzvah but can only exist at the Shul through the good work of community volunteers.
Can you find time in your schedule to:
Make a home visit to a person who is sick or elderly?
Make a hospital visit to a patient?
Make a call to check on a person from time to time?
Prepare, order or deliver a meal to a homebound person?
Be available to make shiva calls?
If your answer is YES, please check the volunteer box on the form, and a Bikkur Cholim team member will contact you. Click the button below to access the form.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.