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The Shul of New York
A Synagogue for Spiritual Judaism

Promoting and Protecting Democracy


The Workers Circle: Use this link to check your voter registration status, find your polling place, and view your ballot.

League of Women Voters:  A nonpartisan grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights through advocacy, education, and litigation at the local, state, and national level.

Democracy Docket:  Providing information about voting rights and pursuing litigation where and when voting rights are abrogated or curtailed.

A More Perfect Union: The Jewish Partnership for Democracy Coalition working to organize and mobilize the American Jewish community to protect and strengthen democracy.



Reproductive Rights/Abortion Access

National Council of Jewish Women/Fund for Abortion Access is the Jewish communal response to the ever-complicating healthcare landscape. Funds are used to:

  • Mobilize rapid response action if medication abortion is banned nationally.

  • Help families navigate restrictions on IVF, fertility treatments, and embryo storage.

  • Prepare multi-faith amicus briefs in specific lawsuits that arise.

  • Help women access abortion services with financial assistance.

  • You can donate here

Center for Reproductive Rights - Using the power of law to advance reproductive rights around the world.

Gun Control

Everytown For Gun Safety - Everytown starts with you, and it starts in your neighborhood by introducing evidence-based solutions in every town to end gun violence.

Sandy Hook Promise - Sandy Hook Promise envisions a future where children are free from shootings and acts of violence in their schools, homes, and communities.

Assisting Ukraine

The IRC (International Rescue Committee): Providing cash support to vulnerable families, winter items, medical supplies, and other forms of humanitarian support in Ukraine, as well as with partner organizations in Poland.

The Ukraine Children's Action Project: Providing mental health and educational support to Ukrainian children in Poland or internally displaced in Ukraine.

HIAS is now providing emergency humanitarian assistance to displaced Ukrainians in Poland, Moldova, Romania, as well as in Ukraine.

Friends of the JCC Krakow: Providing essential services to Ukrainians displaced in Poland and inside Ukraine

Welcome to the Shul Justice Project (SJP), the Shul of New York’s initiative to take an active role as a community in causes and issues that are of importance to us, to the health of our democracy, and to our planet.


Caring about justice is a core Jewish value and part of our Shul culture. The words in the SJP logo, “Do Not Stand Idly By,” come directly from Torah, urging us to act for justice, compassion, and inclusion for the vulnerable, the disenfranchised, and for all life on earth.

The SJP will direct you to concrete actions concerning the critical issues of our time: from voting rights to reproductive rights; from environmental justice to housing justice. New actions and alerts are sent out via email, and posted on Facebook, as well as on this page. The SJP also helps us strengthen and grow our Justice in June project on racial justice, and makes it possible to bring in speakers on important topics.


So, scroll down to the Take Action section for steps you can take right now to make this world a better place. Whether you are a part of our Shul family, or just checking us out, “do not stand idly by”… please join us!


Mission: The Shul Justice Project (SJP) develops and advances initiatives that promote the principles of democracy, including social and environmental justice, within the overarching context of Jewish values. It strives to eliminate bias, inequity and systemic oppression through education, increased awareness and activism/advocacy.

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