The Shul of New York
No-Building Fund
Donation Form
Many synagogues solicit funds for bricks and mortar, but The Shul of New York, the Shul without walls, needs your help to strengthen its financial foundation and to build a secure path for the future. One way you can do this is by adding a virtual "brick" to our NBF wall.
Each $180 donation buys one Virtual Brick, inscribed with your personal message.
(up to 5 lines of 20 characters each).
Your inscribed brick(s) will be added to the No-Building Fund Wall where they will be a permanent part of the Shul website. And you’ll receive a suitable-for-framing certificate confirming your donation.
Fine Print: Bricks are added in the order in which they are received. All inscriptions are subject to approval for appropriateness and length. We will do our best to accommodate all requests, but please remember that longer inscriptions may result in smaller type on the brick. We reserve the right to arrange inscriptions for readability and for the best font size.