Write On, an anthology collection of prose, poetry, memoir, and family remembrance, was created by the Shul's Writing Groups in which authors of all experience levels came together to write, read, laugh, cry, and support each other in that seemingly simple, yet most personal of artistic endeavors, writing.
All any writer can hope to achieve is that the reader sees themselves in their work and is moved to feel something; pain, love, fear, joy. You will find all these and more in this collection.
We have no reviews to share, but we are fortunate in having a Foreward by Rabbi Susan and opening words by Rabbi Burt. We share a snippet of each with you.
Rabbi Susan:
We do not always realize as we move through the motions – routine and unexpected – of our daily lives just how connected to one another we are.....I can tell you that these writings will surprise and delight the senses, and they will also ring familiar. Quality writing often has this dual effect. Perhaps this is because embedded in these words, as one writer put it, you will find each author’s essence. And I would wager, you will also find bits and pieces of yourself.
Rabbi Burt:
The writings in this book, authored by members of the Shul Writing Groups, are impressions of the eyes, ears, and hearts of people who generously share them with us. So many stories here. So much of the varieties of life here. So much honesty here that has been uncovered and displayed in all its hues. I hope that what you read by these writers, along their unique journeys of life, will surprise you, elevate you humanly and Jewishly, and maybe even enhance the inner experience of your own life.
Write On is available in a paperback edition and as a downloadable digital edition.
All proceeds will support the Shul.